Tuesday, August 19, 2008

political scientist

Good evening, folks.

The last time I blogged, I was following the 2004 election as closely as I could. I have a vivid memory of sitting alone in Ian's living room into the wee hours, waiting for the Ohio results to come in. I was disappointed, to say the least.

In talking with people about the 2008 elections, I am starting to realize how much that experience has changed the way I look about politics. Before, I styled myself as an impartial observer. Since then I seem to be more disappointed in everything. I saw the Republicans as unfit to lead; I saw the Democrats as unable to capitalize on their weak opponents. But most of all, I found myself increasingly alienated by the political scene.

I grew up with a great deal of Republican influence; nearly all my relatives are conservative, and now many of my coworkers, too. Traditionally, though, nearly all my friends are Democrats, or at least liberal. I consider myself a left-leaning moderate trying to see both sides. It's amazing to me how similar the mindsets are, and how each side seems completely oblivious to the other. I want to be equally comfortable in both worlds, but trying to understand both sides almost necessitates holding conflicting views in my mind simultaneously. I'm finding it exhausting.

This blog is an attempt to hash out what I think about politics, in an effort to have a less exhausting political life. More to come.